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Guenter Maresch
full Professor - University of Salzburg
Professional Bio
Since 2022: Vice-Dean of the faculty for "Digital and Analytical Sciences" at the University of Salzburg Since 2019: Univ.-Prof. (full) at the Department of Mathematics and School of Education for Mathematics and Geometry Education; head of the research group for “Mathematics Education” (University of Salzburg) 2016 – 2019: Assoz.-Prof. at the School of Education for Mathematics Education and Geometry Education (University of Salzburg) 2016: Habilitation at the University of Salzburg (venia docendi for Mathematics Education) 2014 – 2016: Ass.-Prof. at the University of Salzburg for Mathematics Education and Geometry Education (School of Education) Since 1998: Talks at more than 300 conferences and teacher inservice training courses ( selected talks and courses) 2005: Completion of doctoral studies at the University of Salzburg 1998 – 2014: Lecturer at the University of Salzburg (courses: “Descriptive Geometry”, “Computer Aided Geometry”, “Computer Oriented Applications: Geometry”, and “Computer Oriented Applications”) 1996 – 2014: Teacher of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Descriptive Geometry 1995: Descriptive Geometry and Mathematics at the Vienna University of Technology with a focus on Computer Science (Information and Communication Technology – ICT) Research Focus: Spatial Thinking, Mathematics Education, Geometry Education, Curriculum Development, CAD in the Teaching of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry Current Projects: 1.) Online Learning Platform RIF for training and diagnosing spatial thinking skills (https://adi3d.at/rif30/en/) with more than 2 Million completed tasks and used in 28 countries 2.) MSCA ITN Project SellSTEM (https://sellstem.eu/): Spatially Enhanced Learning Linked to STEM Papers: https://geometriedidaktik.at/en/about/papers/