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Teresa Blanco
University of Santiago de Compostela
Professional Bio
Teresa Fernández professor at University of Santiago de Compostela. She holds a Bachelor Degree in pure Mathematics, and a Master Degree in Education. She also holds two PhDs: one in Numerical Methods in Partial Differential Equations and a second one in Didactic of Experimental Sciences. She is a known researcher in geometry and modelling, having supervised several PhD thesis in this area of research integrating STEM. Principal researcher of the R+D+I project of the State Programme for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society. EDU2017-84979-R, entitled ENSEÑANZA Y APRENDIZAJE DE LAS MATEMATICAS EN ADOLESCENTES EN RIESGO DE EXCLUSION. TEACHING INTERVENTION THROUGH STEAM. She has collaborated and led a large number of national and international projects in mathematics education like KIKS (Kids Inspiring Kids for STEAM) (Erasmus+ programme), STEMFORYOUTH (European Union project, which is part of the Science with and for Society section of the Horizon 2020 programme) and Mathematics EDULARP (Erasmus+ programme). Current lines of research: Learning mathematics in students at risk of exclusion; Visualisation and spatial reasoning; and Teaching and learning based on STEAM.