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Simone Reinhold
Full Professor - Leipzig University | Faculty of Education
Professional Bio
1995 - 2011 Teacher at primary schools (different states, Germany)
2000 - 2006 Doctoral student (Leibniz University Hanover, Germany)
2007 PhD mathematics education (Thesis: Mental rotation of cube configurations - theoretical outlines, perspectives from a mathematics didactics point of view and analyses of primary students' strategies while building with cubes in mental rotation tasks)
2011 - 2014 Lecturer (Braunschweig University, Germany)
2014 - today Full professor (primary mathematics education, Leipzig University, Germany)
2017 - 2020 Dean (Faculty of Education, Leipzig University, Germany)
2000 - 2006 Doctoral student (Leibniz University Hanover, Germany)
2007 PhD mathematics education (Thesis: Mental rotation of cube configurations - theoretical outlines, perspectives from a mathematics didactics point of view and analyses of primary students' strategies while building with cubes in mental rotation tasks)
2011 - 2014 Lecturer (Braunschweig University, Germany)
2014 - today Full professor (primary mathematics education, Leipzig University, Germany)
2017 - 2020 Dean (Faculty of Education, Leipzig University, Germany)