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Marcelo Borba
Professional Bio
Marcelo C. Borba is a Professor of the Graduate Program in Mathematics Education and of the Mathematics Department at UNESP (State University of São Paulo) in Brazil, where he chairs the research group GPIMEM (Research Group of Informatics, other Media and Mathematics Education). Marcelo researches the use of digital technology in mathematics education, mathematical video produced by teachers and students, online distance education, modeling as a pedagogical approach, and qualitative research methodology. He is an Associate Editor of ZDM, The International Journal of Mathematics Education and he was, from 2018 to 2022, the chair of the Teaching Committee of CAPES, a funding agency of the National Ministry of Education in Brazil. He is currently leading a project of CAPES-PrInt that promotes internationalization of research in technology in mathematics education in Brazil. He was a Keynote speaker at PME-44 (Psychology of Mathematics Education Study Group), Thailand-Virtual; at Plenary Panel of ICME 14 (International Congress of Mathematics Education), held in a hybrid format in China; and at ICM-22 (International Congress of Mathematicians), which was originally scheduled to take place in Russia but was held virtually).