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ICME-15: Come and be counted!
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Mani A

Woman Scientist - Inian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Professional Bio

A Mani is a woman scientist at the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. Her areas of research are rough sets, algebra, logic, granular computing, AIML, clustering, vagueness, mereology, education research, FOM, gender studies and allied areas. She has a background in both mathematics and statistics, is a leading researcher on the foundations of rough sets and applications, and has published extensively (over 1050 pages) in her areas of research in international journals. She has been associated with the University of Calcutta, and HBCSE, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai (as a visiting faculty/researcher), and is a senior member (elected) of the International Rough Set Society. Sociological issues in the context of mathematics education are also of much interest to her, and she is in the international committee of MES-12 (the flagship international conference of the Mathematics Education society). Mani is also a GNU/R expert and a long-term free software activist. Her research-gate page is at

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