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ICME-15: Come and be counted!
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Kate Copping

The University of Melbourne

Professional Bio

Kate Copping is a researcher in primary and early childhood/primary mathematics education. Her PhD research explores how primary mathematics leadership is conceptualised, experienced, and enacted within schools by the primary mathematics leader and those with whom they work. This qualitative research positions primary mathematics leaders as middle leaders, working with both school leaders and teachers. It aims to better understand the role of primary mathematics leaders to inform school policy and decision making. In addition to her PhD, Kate’s research focuses on the teaching and learning of mathematics in the primary education sector. This includes teacher professional learning, assessment, and the use of teaching strategies which build understanding in primary mathematics education. This research aims to support the development of educators in building student engagement and understanding in mathematics. Kate is also a lecturer in primary and early childhood mathematics, with many years experience teaching in primary schools in Victoria, NSW and the United States. She is a member of the RiMEA11 (Research in Mathematics Education Australasia 2020-2023) editorial team. Kate has been an item writer for NAPLAN and is vice president of the Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV), a professional body supporting mathematics teachers in Victoria.

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