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ICME-15: Come and be counted!
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K. Elizabeth Hammonds

Ph.D. Candidate - Auburn University

Professional Bio

K. Elizabeth Hammonds is a Ph.D. candidate in Secondary Mathematics Education at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, United States. She began her career as an Electrical Engineer before becoming a mathematics teacher and teacher educator. Elizabeth is currently a national STEM education consultant and the Treasurer of the Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics. She has previously served as the Co-director of UTeach and a professor at Columbus State University, an Education Specialist at the Alabama State Department of Education, a Mathematics Specialist at the Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative, and a classroom teacher. Elizabeth sits on the advisory board of the DREAM-Math project as part of the Central Alabama Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership (CAMTEP). Her dissertation focuses on understanding the interplay of parent perceptions of Internet mathematical memes and their beliefs about the nature of mathematics and mathematics education utilizing mixed methods-grounded theory research. Elizabeth’s other research interest include noticing as a tool to analyze pre-service teacher instruction and equitable strategies to promote student and family engagement.

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